
automated cell counters

by:Sinowon     2020-01-03
Cell count is a procedure designed to determine the number of individual cells of each type contained in the unit volume blood (
Usually 1 mm³).
The 3 stages of all cell counts are described below.
Blood dilution.
Calculate the number of cells.
Mathematical calculation of cell volume in 1 mm3.
Cell counts can be performed using manual methods (
Blood pool room count)
Or automated methods (
Automatic counter).
The margin of the first option is (human)error.
It\'s time. taking.
Blood analyzers or automated cell counters are now the choice of modern laboratories.
The error range obtained by manual method hovers around 20%. With the development of these devices, the error range is greatly reduced, and the error range of these devices is about 1%.
As can be seen in this article, automatic cell counters are not limited to performing cell counts of different cell components.
They usually provide the result of each ingredient in the blood.
The components of the automatic dilution reduce the blood concentration to the appropriate level of counter operation.
For white blood cell counts, it usually only dilute the sample slightly (
For example, 1/300 of Microsot ABX)
A lot more red blood cell count (
For example, 1: 20 of Microsot ABX).
Dilution varies depending on the specific counter, but it depends on the technician.
Compressor: vacuum provides the necessary vacuum pressure to deliver properly diluted blood to the measuring device.
The measuring device is where the cells are counted in the chamber.
Its design depends on the counting method used by each model.
It can be based on a detection system that measures the impedance of the battery, or on an optical system.
In the state-of-the-art electronic counter, the ceramic valve divides the sample into different measuring chambers.
Because each chamber is designed specifically to calculate different cell types (
Red blood cells, platelets, or white blood cells)
Or for the determination of hemoglobin.
The sensor converts the signal from the measuring device into an electrical pulse.
It is usually a photoelectric multiplier tube.
The detector separates electrical impulses produced by each type of blood cell.
The processor collects data, processes it, and displays it on the screen.
It prints the result.
Automatic cell count: methodsHere is the most common method used to count cells in an automatic cell counter.
Resistance method or impedance method.
Kurt discovered it in 1956 and used it in the first automatic battery counter.
It is based on the following points: Although the conductivity of blood cells is low, the liquid thinner is a good conductor of electricity.
The measuring device consists of small holes through which diluted blood passes.
There is an electrode at the entrance and an electrode at the exit.
The current passes through the same hole.
When only through the dilution fluid through the hole, the resistance measured by the electrode is low and constant, but when the hole is worn by blood cells, the resistance increases, and the potential between the electrodes changes.
The Count of electrical signals indicates the number of cells present in the blood, and the magnitude of these signals is proportional to the volume of the cells.
Thus, cells can be identified and counted.
Scattering Method or light diffraction.
The dark field method measuring device is composed of a capillary tube, and the diluted blood is circulated through the capillary tube and passed through the halogen lamp bundle.
When the cell does not pass along the capillary, the beam encounters a non-Sensitive areas (darkfield disk)
, However, if a cell passes through a capillary, the light of the beam is scattered from the disc and captured by a photoelectric detector.
The number of detected light signals indicates the number of cells present in the blood, and their respective light scattering intensity is proportional to the size and cell content.
The beam method measuring device includes a detector located behind the capillary, in which the diluted blood flows continuously and is therefore a flow cell meter.
The laser beam passes through the capillary and points to the detector.
When the cell does not pass along the capillary, the laser beam encounters a detector, but if the cell passes through the capillary, the laser beam is intercepted by it and stops pointing to the detector.
The interference number indicates the number of cells present in the blood, and the degree of interference produced by each cell is proportional to its size (Forward Scattering.
In these instruments, for example, the laser can be helium-
Neon laser with vertical polarization to 632 wavelength. 8 nm (
Counters used in CELL-
DYN 3000 and 3500 from Abbott Lab).
The automatic counter can give the parameters of the modern automatic counter the ability to determine more than 50 parameters.
These include: the number of red blood cells in each mm3 blood.
Percentage of woven red blood cells
Number of white blood cells per mm3.
The number of platelets per mm3 blood.
Hematimetric index
Red blood cells, nets, white blood cells and platelets).
Blood cell pressure value
High-speed rail protein concentration in blood.
Red blood cell sedimentation rate
All these parameters are the analysis contained in the blood image, also known as the basic blood image.
Amazon price for QBC Autoread Plus blood system: $8,904. 00 $7,449.
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