Yes, we are willing to provide related technical information about Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. if requested. As for the basic information such as main materials, specifications, shapes, and main performance, you can easily find them on the product details displayed on our official website. Also, we have carefully-compiled technical documentation offered along with products. We can deliver it to you if you have the needs for it. Further technical information about what our products are made of and what properties they contain, please contact us.

Sinowon enjoys its great popularity in the field of vertical projector. Sinowon has created a number of successful series, and inspection microscope is one of them. Sinowon stereo microscope with camera is designed and fabricated using unmatched quality raw materials and latest technology as per the international quality criterion. Its quality and accuracy are improved every year. The product is able to guarantee constant productivity. It can be frequently upgraded, which can offer the desired functionality during operation. Many international famous manufacturers choose this product for its premium quality.

In order to enhance our long-term competitiveness as a manufacturing company, we will continuously strive to simplify production activities and work harder to improve quality.