In the recent year, measuring machine under the brand of Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. is frequently mentioned on the trade fairs or best-seller list. Customers can find more brands through searching online or daily advertising, while we are proud to say our product, as well as service, can fully meet their requirements. The product, combined with the remarkable performances of high-quality materials, allows for long-term usability. The services we offer have been already verified by thousands of clients from domestic and overseas markets.

Sinowon has been praised for strong manufacture and supply capacities of tools maker microscope. We have surpassed many other competitors. As one of Sinowon's multiple product series, vickers hardness testing machine series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. Sinowon optical inspection machines is produced in line with environmental protection requirements. The electrolyte and metal ingredients in the battery cells have been tested to meet the national standards for the battery industry. It is easy to operate, with fast speed. Except reliable quality assurance, high-quality after-sales service is also important in we. It is supported by multiple languages say English, Turkish, and German.

We make a big commitment to internal and external customer satisfaction and to best practice decisions in every facet of the business. Get more info!