At all times in the history of mankind, healthy

by:Sinowon     2020-05-26
The entire activity involving the use of a microscope leads to development of analytical and cognitive skills in children. Therefore, it is going to be interesting to compare biological material from different objects. We propose to take a few strands of chevelure from different individuals as well as animal fur for comparison. In order to do this, one must simply use tweezers and pick a few loose hairs from people's clothes and comb a domestic dog or a cat. Keep you digital camera ready in order to photograph the hair under the microscope. For the examination of hair under the microscope for children, prepare a temporary micro slide. As usual, keep the sample in a drop of water on a slide and cover the contents with a coverslip. Place the prepared micro slide on the microscope stage. If the sample under study is chevelure, then it is enough, initially, to establish a small zoom. Once a decent view is achieved under the lens, we would be able to see that the human hair is much thicker in comparison with animal's fur. In fact, hair is made up of two parts: the bulb - living part, which is located under the skin cover, and the hair cord - dead part, consisting of protein, keratin and melanin. In the middle layer is where, basically, all chemical processes take place upon coloring of the hair, straightening or curling. All these processes do not involve the bulb. The bulb, in the form of a vase, is located in the follicle, deep inside the dermis. It consists of mother cells, which are responsible for cell division and the growth of hair. In a healthy bulb, the process of cell division takes place constantly. It is heavily supplied by capillaries, which deliver oxygen and essential nutrients. As it grows outwards, the hair gets hardened. Interestingly, the inner layer, which is in the form of a hollow pipe, is not found in all people. This layer is covered by filaments of keratin, which are chained together. Split end fiber looks like a broom under the microscope. There are visible scales over the entire length of the hair cord, the bulb seems thinner and the hair ends look ragged. Upon taking a photograph of hair fibers under the microscope, we clearly see the differences between a healthy and the damaged one. It can be said that hairs are, in some ways, similar to a litmus test. Damaged hairs look fragile and broken under the microscope. They are an important proof of weak health and frequent illnesses endured. On the other hand, healthy hair looks like a thick rope under the microscope. The colorless scales lie close to each other and the bulb looks thick. The photographs of men's chevelure under the microscope (biomedical microscopy photos) differ significantly among people belonging to different ethnic groups. It is very interesting to compare hair samples of a European and an African. The Africans one's are characteristically extremely twisted and intertwined, and the cross section of the hair fibers reveals an elliptic form. The representatives of the European race have straight hair with a slight curl. The Asians have hair fibers that looks spherical in the cross section, with bigger diameters. Do you know that when exposed to stressful situations, a person loses up to 0.5-1% of chevelure on the head, in a week? This, of course, does not become evident immediately. If hair fall is paid attention to instantly, it is possible to prevent diseases of the endocrine system, gastro-intestinal tract and others. Upon finding even the slightest of deviations, a physician-trichologist, who performs diagnostic procedures and treatment of hair, may be able to direct a patient to specialists in other fields of medicine for additional tests. The information received from the examination of hair under the home microscope has been inculcated into the armory of modern medicine. The ecology, stressful situations and work environment immensely affect the condition of hair. The signs of weakening health can be seen even without the help of a microscope. It is characteristic of hair to lose their elasticity and luster, develop split ends and dandruff. Take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle...your head of hear would always be beautiful.
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