How many new products are launched under branded rockwell hardness conversion ?
It depends. For the development and growth of Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited., a lot of effort into designing new rockwell hardness has been put to ensure the company to release several new models to the public. At the same time, we are equipped with experienced R&D team to help the innovation of new products to satisfy the needs of customers.

Sinowon is gradually developing into a global enterprise that mainly specializes in the developing and producing of metallographic polishing equipment. As one of Sinowon's multiple product series, Manual Vision Measuring Machine series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. Such feature of ultrasonic portable hardness tester brings out Sinowon's own unique flavor. The product can be controlled in a motorized way, to eliminate errors caused by manual operation. This product is hypoallergenic. The comfort layer and the support layer are sealed inside a specially-woven casing that is made to block allergens. Innovation is always made to update the product.

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