How many people in Sinowon R&D department?
The number of employees in Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. R&D department accounts for at least 20% of the total. R&D differs from the vast majority of corporate activities in that it is not intended to yield immediate profit and generally carries greater risk and an uncertain return on investment. This is a kind of secret info to us. We have spent years developing new services or products, and improving existing services or products.

Sinowon has been an industry expert who designed and fabricated a diverse range of vertical projector for many years. As one of Sinowon's multiple product series, rockwell hardness series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. material testing equipment from Sinowon brings the special design to the extreme. Its quality and accuracy are improved every year. This product comes with optimal contrast. It surface enhances brightness while filtering out ambient light to create a realistic image. Innovation is always made to update the product.

our team has always been adhering to the purpose of becoming an influential brand at home and abroad. Get price!
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