Measuring instrument, in production, image_image measuring instrument should be the first function in iPhone6 u200bu200bproduction

by:Sinowon     2021-04-26

After watching Apple's press conference. Maybe how do you measure the size of your mobile phone? Questions such as how to detect the mobile phone screen will cause questions. Below, let the author answer for you one by one:

Mobile phone screen size measurement can use the most common detection of the diagonal length of the phone screen to estimate the size of the phone screen. This method can only be used in daily life, and manual measurement will cause errors. It is not possible to accurately measure the size of the screen. Such a measurement method is not suitable for the production of mobile phone screens. The pursuit of speed and accuracy is the pursuit of mobile phone screen manufacturing. Manual measurement piece by piece is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Not beneficial to production. This problem can be easily solved by the Mingwei mobile phone screen image measuring instrument. Mingwei fully automatic mobile phone glass image measuring instrument, breaking through the application limitations of ordinary image measuring instruments, adopts brand-new mechanical technology, optical technology, software technology, and is equipped with five high-resolution lenses in one, which can measure five pieces of mobile phone glass at the same time. It can output five sets of data. One mobile phone glass measuring instrument is equivalent to five ordinary image measuring instruments, which improves the efficiency of measurement. The screen detection of automatic mobile phone glass image measuring instrument can use ITO glass size and defect measuring instrument. It is suitable for touch screens, ITO conductive glass/conductive film, and various inspection requirements. It can easily watch and measure each etching line on ITO glass and ITO film. The detected data or digital photos of the product can be stored in Word, Excel files, and the data can be transmitted through the network and saved. Facilitate the production of follow-up reports. With the rapid development of smart phones, the requirements for measuring instruments are becoming more and more refined. Mingwei Survey has a wealth of experience in the manufacture of image measuring instruments, and can quickly provide customized products and solutions according to the specific needs of users. It is China's leading image One of the measuring machine suppliers, continuously leading China's imaging measurement industry to new highs.

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