Squint Crossed Eyes or Strabismus

by:Sinowon     2020-06-04
Affects approximately 4 out of every 100 children . It is a visual defect in which the two eyes point in different directions. One eye may turn either in, or out while the other eye aims straight ahead. Due to this condition, both eyes do not always aim simultaneously at the same object. This results in a partial or total loss of stereo vision and binocular depth perception. The eye turns may be visible at all times or may come and go. In some cases, the eye misalignments are not obvious to the untrained observer. Most common types of Squint treatment in india : Esotropia, where the eye turns inward, is the most common type of squint in infants. Exotropia, or an outward turning of the eye, is another common type of squint . This occurs most often when a child is focusing on distant objects. How is Squint treament in india is done? Treatment for squint aims to: Preserve vision; Straighten the eyes; Restore binocular two-eyed vision. After a complete eye examination, an ophthalmologist can recommend appropriate treatment. In some cases, eyeglasses can be prescribed for your child. Other treatments may involve surgery to correct the unbalanced eye. SERVICES - EYE CARE FOR CHILDREN: Vision Problems About 20 % of the normal population has some kind of refractory error. They require glasses for the same..when dignosed and treted early they can prvent amblyopia and crossed eye .Also proper glasses when worn will enable child to see the world clearly. Signs of Vision Problems Does your child: Children's Eye Exam We recommend that pre-school children receive a complete vision exam at the age five years or early if any problem is noticed.. It is particularly important that a child have a complete evaluation in the summer prior to entry into Kindergarten. While in school, yearly evaluations are recommended. The other common problems in childhood are Lazy eye and Crossed eye .Early detection and appropriate therapy is vital.
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