
What are the application and measurement advantages of image measuring instruments in the manufacturing industry?

by:Sinowon     2021-05-06
What are the application and measurement advantages of image measuring instruments in the manufacturing industry? Image measuring instruments belong to the instrument industry and are also widely used. Each industry has certain requirements for measuring instruments. The image measuring instrument is suitable for all fields where measurement is the target, such as electronics, PCB boards, machinery, stamping machines, hardware, plastics, aerospace, defense, instruments, clocks, etc. Nowadays, workpieces are becoming more and more accurate and require more precision Check with high-end measuring instruments. The image measuring instrument is based on the CCD impression, combined with the spatial geometric calculation of the computer software and other functions, to perform data processing on the captured images, and use charts, texts, tables, etc. for people to use.

The professional indentation measuring instrument in the mold has a more important position, mold design, model mapping, mold processing, mold inspection, etc., all of which require an indentation measuring instrument for high-precision measurement and inspection, including The measurement of roundness and height of a series of data such as size, flatness, angle, etc., some molds that need to be measured in batches also have high requirements for the efficiency of the instrument. The demand-determining equipment is constantly updated and modified. The measuring instrument not only has higher precision, but also greatly improved its efficiency. In modern industry, the measuring instrument brings safety and reliability to the production of manufactured products with its unique characteristics. Electric meters are used in electric power and other industries, bringing us beautiful and fast days. The instrument is used in industry to provide us with higher-quality products. Although we rarely contact the instrument industry, its existence is irrelevant. Obsolete, in the future, image measuring instruments may be applied to more regions, bringing us more surprises, or may be more directly applied to our daily lives, let us look forward to different instruments in the future Instrument industry.

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