For most of the time, Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. would choose the nearest port to our warehouse. We are located near the transportation network, which helps us transmit the goods to the port in a highly efficient way. If you need to specify a port, please contact our service personnel directly for more details and adjustment. The port we choose will always meet your cost and transit need. The port nearer our warehouse might be the best way to keep your collection fees down.
Sinowon has dominated the leading place in vision measuring machine market. visual measurement series manufactured by Sinowon include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Sinowon optical measurement systems is specifically designed according to demand of our customers. It is up to both domestic and international standards. The product has a clear appearance. All components are sanded properly to round all sharp edges and to smooth the surface. It is supported by multiple languages say English, Turkish, and German.
As a provider of social obligations, we see it as an obligation to effectively handle energy and resources and prevent environmental hazards in all of our regions.