Once your order leaves our warehouse, it's handled by a carrier that may provide tracking information until you get automatic optical inspection. In case you have any further questions about the status of your purchase, you can contact our support team directly. Please note tracking information might not be available for up to Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. hours after an item is shipped from our warehouse. Tracking availability can fluctuate based on the sort of item you purchased.
Sinowon has worked very well in manufacturing automated inspection equipment. We have had expertise and experience since we started. The optical measurement series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The outline of digital readout deserves same attention as material in Sinowon. It is easy to operate, with fast speed. This product allows allergy sufferers to sleep comfortably at night without the worry of runny eyes or stuffy noses. The product is analyzed and tested cautiously before packing.
To practice our sustainable development, we have constantly renewed our production method by introducing advanced facilities that can control emission.