Once your order leaves our warehouse, it is handled by a carrier that may provide tracking information until you receive Horizontal Profile Projector. The tracking information might be accessible from Your Order History on our website when it becomes available. If you have any further questions about the status of your order, you can contact our support team directly. Please note tracking information may not be available for up to 48 hours after an item is shipped from our warehouse. Tracking availability may vary depending on the type of item you purchased.
Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. is a company specializing in the production of advanced micro vickers hardness tester. Sinowon has created a number of successful series, and Video Microscope is one of them. The improved quality management system guarantees the higher quality of this product. It has been marketed successfully for 12 years, thanks to the excellence in quality and technology. This product reduces the demand for low-skilled workers and enhances the professional skills of the remaining workers in manufacturing. It is easy to operate, with fast speed.
Sinowon's constant pursuit is to provide quality services to domestic and foreign merchants. Welcome to visit our factory!